Get Solar because Free is Good
Let’s be clear. The Solar panel and my precious time isn’t free.
But once you are all hooked up with a Solar panel, you can sit back in your sunchair, let out a contented sigh and know that you are pulling in free rays to power up your phone, your internet, your fridge or whatever else you can’t live without. We sell a lot of these in New Zealand because, as difficult as this is to comprehend, kiwis love cheap deals even more than Brits. Who’d have thought?
These units will keep your leisure battery topped up if your caravan or motorhome is in storage and we can also wire it into your starter battery so you don't need to worry whether your wagon will start or not after it has been sitting unused for a while.
Get off the grid a bit longer and don’t pay a cent for your power. I get excited just saying it.
Get in touch to chat about the options that will work for you.
Get a Motor Mover and you almost don’t have to lift a finger
Moving your caravan when it’s not on your towbar can be a real (insert the worst swear word of your choice here).
A Motor Mover saves your back, your sweaty arm pits and the tender ears of nearby children by making it easy to move your caravan around.
TJ has Motor Mover options for single or twin axle caravans and the Easydriver brand he puts his name and reputation behind is German made with a five year warranty.
Plus, if you want to stay seated and make Steve your neighbour really jealous, you can use the Easydriver app to move your beast around with your phone. Steve’s going to be really (insert another swear word here) off.
Keep your fluids fresh to protect your central heating
Did you know that the fluid in your Alde central heating needs to be changed every two or five years?
Here's why: the fluid in your system is a mixture of antifreeze and water. Alde approved antifreeze contains corrosion inhibitors and over time these break down. Leave it too long and you risk a costly repair of your corroded system. We can do that costly repair of course but why would you want to give a kiwi one more penny than you need to? You don’t, right? That’s what I thought.
TJs only uses Alde approved antifreeze which is always magenta in colour but you can also find a list of specific approved brands here
Someone who I wouldn’t employ might suggest you can get away with a cheap substitute. You can. But not for long. So don’t.